Maya: Pioneering AI for Safer Roads with Humanising Autonomy

Maya, the 29-year-old trailblazer from Austria, is not just an Innovation Design Engineer; she’s the visionary co-founder and CEO of Humanising Autonomy. In a bold move, Maya and her team are at the forefront of artificial intelligence, striving to transform the landscape of autonomous vehicles. Their groundbreaking software analyzes and predicts pedestrian behavior, with a mission to drastically reduce road accidents—an essential step in the widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles. Yet, their innovation isn’t limited to the future; it’s already reshaping the safety of vehicles on the road today.

Driving Safety and Innovation:

Humanising Autonomy’s cutting-edge technology isn’t just the future of autonomous vehicles; it’s the key to safer roads today. Their unique software can be integrated into existing vehicles, enhancing driver assistance systems and making roads safer for everyone.

Global Vision, Local Solutions:

Despite its youth, Humanising Autonomy is already a global player, leveraging diverse data sources to inform its machine learning systems. This adaptability ensures that the technology is effective in different countries and environments, accounting for variations in pedestrian behavior.

Global Backing, Local Roots:

Maya’s entrepreneurial journey with Humanising Autonomy has attracted support from investors worldwide. Anthemis Group, Amplifier in Germany, Global Brain Corporation in Japan, and Synapse Partners in the United States are among the backers. The company has also established partnerships with industry giants like Airbus and TfL.

London: The Hub of Innovation:

Choosing London as their headquarters has been pivotal for Maya and her team. It allowed them to cultivate a valuable professional network in the UK, supporting their journey to redefine road safety through innovation.

Diversity as a Measure of Success:

Maya understands the importance of diversity in innovation. At Humanising Autonomy, diversity isn’t just a goal; it’s a reality. Their 50/50 gender-balanced team represents the society they’re developing for, reflecting the energy and creativity that drive their mission for real societal impact.

Maya’s leadership in the field of AI and road safety sets a powerful example of how innovation can reshape our world, making it safer and more inclusive. With Humanising Autonomy, she’s not just building a business; she’s building a better, safer future for all.